FREE Online Community For College Students & Grads is a new online community/social networking site just for college students and graduates. Membership is completely free, and you get all kinds of great features when you join:
  • Access to forums 
  • Free URL for your own blog page
  • Free RSS feed so people can subscribe to your posts
  • Receive a "welcome gift" of 4 self-improvement e-courses worth $79
  • Opportunity to earn money 
If you're a current student, you can post in the forums to receive homework help, buy and sell textbooks, get answers to questions regarding internships, and discuss your career goals. There's also a pretty active "Exchange" forum, where you can trade, buy, and sell services and goods.

You will also find fun games to test your knowledge. Play some trivia or one of the many "brain games" that aren't just for fun! There's also a few interesting calculators to use, such as a scientific calculator for those tough math problems, a loan payment calculator, and a unit conversion calculator.

If you've already graduated, you can still join! Students would love to hear about your college experiences and find out what's in store for them, during their college journey and after.

You can get rewards just for participating in the community. There are 7 levels of recognition, and when you reach Level 1, you will have an opportunity to start earning money! You can move up in level by doing things like leaving useful comments on the forums, writing college reviews, creating a college blog, and more.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a fairly new group. Your participation will help determine where MyCollegePal goes in the future. Your thoughts and ideas will be used to help mold the community into THE college networking site!

So if you happen to be a student or grad, check out MyCollegePal now and be one of the first to experience what the group has to offer. If you happen to know anyone who would be interested, please let them know about it as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing with us! Sounds like a great site for us in the college now.