What Do You Think Of My Blog's Design?

So, I recently had someone say that my blog was so hard on the eyes and cluttered, that they had to actually close out of it. I took that to heart...the last thing I want my blog to do is be hard to read! But I have gotten LOTS of good feedback in the past on the color scheme and layout.

If you've visited my blog in the past two days, you would have seen lots of changes going on. I tried many different themes, colors, etc. but as you can see now, I went back to the original theme. I would love to hear some opinions. What do you think of the overall look? Do you like the colors? Is it easy to navigate? Please vote and leave any and all criticism, good or bad, in a comment. If you think it needs some changes, please let me know what you would like to see!

Do you like my blog's design?


Mamawj's Moment Away said...

I voted yes b/c I do like the overall design in hot pink, the butterflies and feminine feel, I honestly love black but for me on blogs backgrounds I feel they are so hard to read (If the font color is not light in color) yours seems ok and bright enough. The fonts too small for me but it may be because I use bifocals and also I use my netbook so screens are smaller not the blogs issue)
love your giveaways, too
we can't please every pea in the pod so make it to suit your needs
my blogs very purple, but I like it. Good thing about blogger, lots of themes too pick from when we want to change it, much like our shoe or purse collection, lol

sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

jbmthill said...

I think it is fine. People may have a hard time with the dark and light contrast, the only spot I find that takes a minute for my eyes to adjust is the current giveaways written in purple. For some reason, that takes a minute for me and makes me squint.

Wise Owl Designs said...

I voted no on this. Please do not take this to heart either but it's too harsh for me.

I like the overall design of the background with the flowers and how feminine it is, however the black gets me every time. This is just my own personal preference but I do not like the black main post area. It makes it twice as hard to read even when you change the font color. It's hard on my eyes.

Mariah @ FormulaMom.com said...

I do like the overall design. The only issue I have is the white/light colored text on black background. It gets rough on my eyes after a while so I definitely prefer a dark text on a light background. But I do like the colors (they are my favorites) and the butterfly!

h. mcnaron said...

I like the colors and the pink/white on black. It's feminine and mysterious.


Unknown said...

I am not going to vote because it really comes down to your personal preference. You will be the one spending the most time looking at your blog. I do agree with a couple comments above about black backgrounds. I am trying to picture a white background for the post area only and leave the rest as it is. Did you try that? <3
Have a GREAT week!

Unknown said...

I didnt vote either, because its really whatever you want. But I think the black background is harsh too. I think maybe a white or lighter color would help on the eyes.

Charlotte Varner said...

You have a beautiful blog. I love the pinks, whites, and butterflies. The black for the background does hurt my eyes. I have bad eyes period so that could have alot to do with it. The purple for the giveaways that someone mentioned did makes my eyes squint a little bit. I love how your blog is unique for alot of other blogs. Very pretty!!! If I had my own blog I would definitely go with something similar. When it comes down to it...it's your blog and you do what makes you happy and what you feel you should do. Great job on everything you do and thank you for giving so much to us!! My hat off to you.

Kristen said...

Just a little update to everyone who's commented. I was able to change the black background in the post area to a light pink and it looks great! BUT, I'm having trouble getting it to fit my blog! I put it in, but it's teeny tiny. Anybody have any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Thought I would comment and say neat theme, did you make it for yourself? It's really awesome!

Kristen said...

No, I didn't make it, but thanks! I did however take the comments into consideration and removed the ALL black background and changed it into the light pick. That was my creation LOL. Thanks again :)