PrepPro: Innovative, Self-contained Food Prep Work Space

I don't cook much. One of the main reasons why I don't is because I usually wind up making such a mess, I simply don't want to clean it all up! The PrepPro is made for people like me, and perhaps you too.

The PrepPro was designed to create a simple, self-contained work space for all your meal prepping needs. It is a multi-functional cutting board that allows you to prepare food and easily move it to a pot or mixing bowl, or discard it if needed. Simply push the food over the edge of the product, and in it goes.

If you're working with different types of food, say, chicken and vegetables, it virtually eliminates any cross-contamination because rather than cutting on a board, it uses a cutting mat, which can be rinsed off in seconds. It's then clean and ready for your next food. It also has raised edges so any spills or messes you do have, stay on the PrepPro and not all over your counter. You can check out a slideshow here to get an idea of how it works.

The PrepPro comes with everything you need
It also serves as a storage unit for 3 plastic prep/storage containers, which are included. No more searching for those elusive mixing bowls! You could also keep spoons and other utensils inside. It also comes with a carrying strap, which allows it to become easily portable. For example, you can bring it along with you on your camping trip and not have to worry about not having anywhere to prep your food.

The PrepPro comes in a variety of designs and can also be custom built. This makes it easy to find a look that goes great with your decor, allowing you to keep it on your counter-top.

I know this would make meal prepping a lot easier for me. My favorite feature is the cutting mat that can be cleaned before working on the next food. What is your favorite? I would love to hear your thoughts on this creative product!

I was compensated for this post, but I only publish articles that I feel are relevant to readers. All opinions are 100% mine and were not influenced by any compensation I have received.


Lucky Jones said...

Oh wow - LOVE this!

thanks for stopping by! I alexa'd you too! :)

Slop Swap said...

This is a neat product!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm returning the hop with my alexa bar on! ;)

Unknown said...

Wow! my husband needs this (i dont like knives so he does the chopping and makes such a mess LOL) I'm stopping by from the alexa hop too! And I really really like your new design, and thats saying something because i dont usually like pink ;)

Cricket @ Thrifty Texas Penny said...

I have a friend with a super small kitchen who could really use this! Looks neat. Stopping by from the WTW Alexa hop.