Please Vote For My Baby Boy and His Daddy!

I don't post many personal posts on my blog, but I just had to for this! I entered a photo of my baby and fiance into a photo contest, and their photo was chosen as one of the finalists! It's very easy to vote, just leave a comment under the photo that says, "I vote for A Kiss for Daddy".

The contest ends on July 10th, so there's only a few days to vote. You can vote daily too. I also added this as an entry method to all my giveaways, giving you 2 extra entries per vote, per day!

There's a few other photos that has lots of votes, but I'm still in the running! Please feel free to tweet, share on Facebook, email your friends...anything! Thanks for all your support!

Click HERE to vote!


Damaris said...

Just stopping by & now following you through GFC. :)

Anonymous said...

Such a cute pic!! I hope they win!!!

Thanks for stopping by my site! I'm returning the follow! Be sure to pop back in again for another Mom-ME Moment. You never know what tomorrow will be!
Ro :)

Southern Mama Bri said...

Thanks for deopping in! Returning the the love & the follow.

Bri @ Ramblings of a Southern Mama

Unknown said...

I voted, and am visiting you back from the Alexa hop! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog:

Eve said...

Hey! Newest follower from the Alexa Hop!

Unknown said...

Good luck - that's a great photo!

kimberly michelle said...

Thanks so much for the follow from the Alexa blog hop! I've followed you right back!