This Week's Giveaway Train Prize: A Nintendo 3DS!!!

This week's grand prize is a GOOD one! A new Nintendo 3DS!!

When you get on the Giveaway Train you will need to:

1) Go to my Facebook page to jump on the Giveaway Train

2) Like the Facebook pages and/or click on the giveaway links to enter some giveaways (watch the video below to find out how to enter).

3) You will be entering these giveaways on the blogs themselves, and each time you enter a giveaway on each blog, you will get another entry to win the DS via the Rafflecopter widget on my Facebook page. These giveaways each have their own rules and their own end dates, so make sure you read the rules.

4) The Giveaway Train runs from August 2nd, 12:01am until August 4th, 11:59pm.

If you have any questions, please email me at or leave a comment on my Facebook wall, and I will be happy to help!

Think of it this way, your trip starts on here, on my blog. You leave the station and head to my Facebook page. You get off the train at some wonderful blogs where you can enter their giveaways to win wonderful prizes (you can enter any one of my current giveaways), and then you end up back at my Facebook page, where you enter via the Rafflecopter widget telling us which blogs' giveaways you entered.

(If you would like to sponsor a prize for our weekly Giveaway Train, contact Amee at for details).

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