The PC Technician’s Virus Removal Manual eBook Review

I was given a copy of the eBook, "The PC Technician's Virus Removal Manual" to review, and I must say, it was a very informational, easy to understand book that deals with how to go about getting all those nasties off your computer! This eBook is written by Jarvis Edwards, the owner and author of the website TekTime IT Consulting & Computer Repair.

It's so easy for your computer to get infected with viruses, malware, spyware, and who knows what else...sometimes you don't even realize it's there, and most of the time, you'll never even know HOW it got there. A few years ago I actually had to take my computer into a repair shop to get it cleaned out, and let me tell you, that was EXPENSIVE! Oh, I wish I had this book back then.

I can run a blog, mess with HTML, and easily do other technical stuff like that, but when it comes to cleaning my PC, I just run my anti-virus and HOPE it does its job. The PC Technician’s Virus Removal Manual makes it easy for anyone to do it themselves, the right way!

Check out all the good information this book includes:
  • Step by step instructions on how to remove viruses, without having to pay for software
  • Detailed illustrations to assist and guide you in the easy to follow, step by step process of removing viruses and other malware
  • Links to FREE and extremely effective virus removal tools
  • Detailed instructions on how to navigate and use each of the programs recommended
  • Updated copies of the virus removal manual, free of charge, whenever an update is released, forever
  • Get extra bonuses and valuable guides such as video tutorials, various PC repair handbooks, free training resources and more, for as long as you own the manual
  • Totally FREE copy of the “PC Tune Up Handbook” ($35 value) 
Luckily, I don't need to use this book for reference right now, but there have been several times in the past that I sure wish I had it, and I'm sure I will be needing it at some point in the future! This book is well-written and very easy to understand. I liked how it was broken up in chapters, with the first being a complete description of what exactly viruses and malware are, and the last dedicated to telling you how you can check your computer to make absolutely sure all the nasties are off your computer. The book is set up in a step-by-step fashion, so you can be sure you won't miss anything.

This eBook regularly costs $50, but for a limited time it can be yours for just $40. Keep this in mind, on average it costs $80-$125 an HOUR for a professional to clean out your computer! Why on Earth would you pay that when you can do it yourself?!

If this sounds like something you would like to check out, click here for more info! And if by ANY chance you aren't completely satisfied with the eBook, there is a 60-day money back guarantee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow I definitely need to check this out! Thanks