Global Test Market Is Looking For New Panelists! Surveys & Product Tests!

Global Test Market is another survey site, and another one that I regularly use. I'm happy to let you all know that they are currently looking for new members for a limited time!

This one works like many other survey sites. For each survey you complete, you're awarded points which you save up to redeem for rewards. GTM pays its members which checks, that's right, CASH! Over the years I've been with them, I would say I've gotten about 5 checks from them, and you can request a check once you hit $50 in points. So, that's $250, at least. Not bad for spending a few minutes every few days taking surveys! I've also received a few product tests from them. The most recent one I got was a new toothpaste & toothbrush. The cool thing is, that product is now on store shelves!

One thing I have noticed about GTM though, is that surveys take a little longer to complete than other sites. Not all of them, but most. But that's okay with me...the longer the survey, the more you get paid!

If this is a new survey site you haven't checked out yet, I would definitely recommend it. For more info or to sign up, click here!

To learn about more survey sites that I recommend, click here! (You'll also find other ways to make a little money online, just scroll down the page to see them all)

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