Dash 4 Cash Winner's List! (8/1)

Congratulations to all of the 8/1 Dash 4 Cash & Other Prizes winners!  If you're on the winner's list, check your email to look for an email about your prize.  You have 48 hours to claim your prize before another winner will be chosen.

Make sure that you continue to follow the blogs that you've already liked on Facebook.  It will save you time when the next Dash 4 Cash & Other Prizes is held on August 10 from 9-10 pm EST.

A Day in ​Motherhood
  • $5 Amazon Code
  • Joan Gresham
  • j*******ham@gmail.com
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  • Heather Stehle-Tate
  • Htgt***@gmail.com
Inspir​ing U 2 Save
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Slop Sw​ap
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  • Alisha Floyd
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  • Jamie Curl
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Crazy C​oupon Train
  • $5 Amazon Code
  • Michelle Dawn Rager
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Gimmie Freebies
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  • Kim Bullman
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Momon D​ealz
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  • Jeffery Ewald 
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Fre​e At Last
  • $5 Paypal Cash
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Nifty Thrifty Savings
  • $5 Starbucks Gift Card
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Fa​mily Friendly Frugality
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  • Sue Stoffel
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My Coup​on Lady
  • $25 Restaurant.com eCard
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This Mama Loves Her Bargains
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Shopping Tips and Tricks
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  • Raegan Disharoon
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I Sa​ve A2Z
  • $5 Amazon 
  • Holly Hennessy Swint
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Mommys Free Time
  • $5 Amazon GC
  • April Nottingham
  • anott**@yahoo.com
Bargai​n Blessings
  • $5 Amazon GC
  • toni kirkendall
  • tonkir****@yahoo.com
Frugal Mom Rocks
  • $3.00 Amazon
  • Renee Sapone
  • Emi***te49@hotmail.com
A Pen​ny Filled Pantry
  • $5 Amazon Code
  • Barb Ricchio
  • barb***62@yahoo.com
Fan Goo​d Deal Mama
  • Jenny Smillie
  • jsmillie**@gmail.com
Chi Town Cheapskate
  • Jackie Marino
  • skittles**@ymail.com
Simply Couponing
  • $5 Paypal Cash
  • Samantha Guild
  • s.guild**@gmail.com
Couponin on Coffee
  • $5 Amazon Code
  • Shari Alligood
  • shari****h@aol.com
Thrifty Texas P​enny
  • $5 Amazon Code
  • Alice Lee
  • yu***imi@gmail.com
Living on Love and Cents
  • $5 Amazon
  • Jennifer Rote
  • wildn***d4u@yahoo.com
Nearly Nothing
  • $5 Amazon Code
  • Birdie Skolfield
  • bird***@roadrunner.com
The Budget S​avvy Diva
  • $5.00 Amazon Code
  • vivian villalobos
  • vivian.**********@yahoo.com
Our Kids Mom
  • $5 Amazon
  • Jennifer Ellis
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Slick H​ousewives
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  • Regina Miniacci Frazier
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Coupons on Caffeine
  • $5.00 Amazon code
  • Victoria Dunaway
  • sms***girl@gmail.com
Free Go​odies On The Go
  • $5.00 Amazon Code
  • Melissa Shepherd
  • mshep***@yahoo.com
Luxury Living Frugal Style
  • $5 amazon
  • Jennifer Ellis
  • jer***jen1@yahoo.com
Just Ma​rried with Coupons
  • $5.00 Paypal
  • Danielle Fouts
  • dmdeals****@gmail.com
Must Lo​ve Coupons
  • $5 Amazon Gift Card
  • Jennifer Rote
  • wild****d4u@yahoo.com
Naptime Clippers
  • small flat rate box full of samples, some coupons, and one or two full sized products
  • Jennifer Unger
  • jenni_*****00@yahoo.com
Saving ​By Design
  • $5 Uppercase Living Gift Certificate
  • Theresa Dabbs Hunter
  • hunter***@bellsouth.net
Shore S​avings With Patti
  • $5 Amazon card
  • Tina Smith
  • Mikesgr***@yahoo.com
Coris C​oupon Corner
  • $5 Amazon Gift Card
  • charity burner
  • charity.******@yahoo.com
My Litter
  • $5 Amazon gift card
  • Charlene Truitt
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Thri​fty Wifey
  • $5 Amazon Code
  • Dana Nation
  • toadand****ette@gmail.com
The Sas​sy Saver
  • $5 Amazon Gift Card
  • Shanaka
  • hott***mie84@yahoo.com
Free Samples 2 Fill Up Your Ma​ilbox
  • $5 Amazon Gift Card
  • Cheryl Abdelnour
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 Crazy About Deals
  • Coupon Inserts & Crazy About Deals Tote
  • Gary Coates
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  • $5.00 paypal
  • Jessica Martinez
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This Ma​ma Loves Her Bargains
  • $5 paypal
  • Cheryl Abdelnour
  • cja****nour@hotmail.com
Heavenly Sa​vings
  • $5.00 via Paypal
  • roseanne alonso
  • alonso****@verizon.net
​Giveaway Blogdom
  • $5 Amazon Gift Code
  • petritia selvi
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Mama's M​oney Tree
  • $7 in Coupons
  • Alice Lee
  • yuu****i@gmail.com
Frugal​ly Thrifty
  • $5 Amazon Gift Code
  • Tabbatha Stephens
  • ****_tarda@yahoo.com
Wishfu​l Thinking 247
  • $5.00 Amazon or PayPal
  • Terrie Minnicks Hardin
  • tootie****@yahoo.com
Savin​g Myself Silly
  • clipped coupons
  • Kathy Sumner
  • sumner******1@gmail.com
Money S​avvy Michelle
  • $3 Amazon gift code
  • Alice Lee
  • yuu***mi@gmail.com
Crunchy Frugalista
  • $3 Amazon Gift Code
  • Didi Matregrano
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Gone Klippin Krazy
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Dearly Domestic
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  • Jessica Spence
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Captain Coupon
  • $5 Amazon Gift Code
  • sueellen
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The Cou​pon Trainer
  • $5 Amazon Gift Code
  • Jennifer Veit
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Deal Huntin​g Diva
  • $25 Restaurant.com eCard
  • valarie mathes
  • nursel****@hotmail.com
Mommys Coupon Train
  • $5.00 Amazon Card
  • Renee Sapone
  • Emin****49@hotmail.com
Deals From MS Do
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  • Stephanie Hutchison
  • step*****ee@live.com
A Proverb's Wife
  • $12 Nail Decals + FREE Shipping
  • Tara Ross
  •  tross***@yahoo.com
Clever Housewife
  • neosha
  • sippi_***1@yahoo.com

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