Carter's Baby Gifts Starting At $4.50 + 10% Off Code + Possible Free Shipping!

I love the Carter's brand, but it's just so darn expensive! (For me, anyway) The prices that they are selling their gifts for on Totsy today are incredible! Here's a few examples:
  • Toy pictured above: $4.95
  • Set of 3 burp cloths: $4.95
  • First curl & first tooth keepsake boxes: $4.50
  • Beautiful picture frames: $4.50
  • And much more!
I'm telling you, this is an amazing sale and adorable products!

Use the code STROLLERSTRIDES at checkout and you'll save 10% more. Plus, you'll receive free shipping if this is your first Totsy purchase!

Click here to get started! (You'll have to register with Totsy if you haven't already, but it's free).

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