Which Method Do You Prefer When Entering Giveaways?

I'm thinking about switching to Rafflecopter for my giveaways, but want to know what you, my readers, think first! Please vote below, and PLEASE leave any and all comments. Thanks!


Mari said...

I do not like rafflecopter. I do not like that I have to submit the mandatory entry again every day if I am tweeting every day. It's more work.

Plus, I like to look over my entries before the contest ends to make sure that I am entering correctly.

There have been instances where the links on the rafflewidget are incorrect or cross link with other contests.

Kristen said...

Thanks for the feedback Mari :)

Unknown said...

I love Rafflecopter! They've had a few problems here and there, but that's to be expected when it's new, you know?
I don't know much about setting it up, but I've seen giveaways where there were two rafflecopter forms - one for the "you can do these only once" entries, and a second one underneath for daily entries.

damiesmom said...

i like raffle copter but i always worry that since you have to do the mandatory entry to tweet daily it will mess things up i just put do not count in the extra info tab on the mandatory entry

silverspurs101 said...

LOVE Rafflecopter !!! So easy and much quicker then having to leave long drawn out comments.