Suffer From Allergies? You May Be Eligible To Receive Medical Care & Get Paid For It!

If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies that just won't go away, you may be able to receive medical care and compensation! Research doctors are looking for people with seasonal allergies for an upcoming study. Qualified participants may receive for FREE:
  • Allergy medications during the 2012 pollen season
  • Study-related doctor visits and examinations up to 15 months
  • Investigational oral medication
  • Compensation for time and travel
No medical insurance is necessary.

They are looking for people ages 5-65, and those who live in New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, California, Oregon, Washington, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

To find out if you qualify, click here to take a short questionaire!

All information is kept strictly confidential.

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