Boxout: Virtual Boxing Training - Get Fit, Not Hit!

Have you thought about taking up boxing as a workout routine, but can't afford the personal trainer? Or maybe your hubby impulsively bought a punching bag and used it for a month, but hasn't touched it since. One thing's for sure, if you want to box, you need a routine. You can't just go around hitting bags and consider that a workout! Fitness boxing is a great way to burn calories and stay fit and it is widely popular among women, with over 50% of fitness boxers being women.

Boxout is a virtual boxing training program that brings a boxing class/routine right to your own home! It's not some aerobics DVD, not a late night infomercial scam, and definitely not a one-minute wonder workout. This program has been around since 1994 and has been featured in many fitness and media publications such as Women's Health, Oxygen, and Today.

Boxout can easily be downloaded to any computer so you can get started today in less than an hour. It will show you proper techniques on how to land perfect punches, jabs, and combos. The program starts off "easy" and get progressively harder as you progress, so it's perfect for beginners. For a ONE TIME payment of just $37.00, check out all the stuff that's included:
  1. Workout Video
  2. Instructional Videos
  3. Bonuses including:
    1. Mp3 workout
    2. EasyStart Guide
    3. Extra Combos
    4. Jab the Flab Tips

No need to worry about recurring gym or trainer fees! You actually save 60% if you buy the downloadable version. Plus there's 60-day money back guarantee!

Even if you don't have any boxing equipment, you can still enjoy the program by "shadow boxing", (even though it's a lot more fun to hit stuff!).

For more information and to see Boxout in action, click here!

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