Amazon Shopping (Guest Post)

Thanks to lunalovesshoes from A Newbie Saver for this guest post!

As new parents-to-be, we were incredibly blessed with a plethora of the things a new baby needs, including diapers. Our Little One was about 4 months before we had to start buying diapers and it was then that I learned that when people would say diapers weren't cheap, they weren't kidding.

As a result of this new found understanding, I asked other new mothers and did a little research on how to save when buying diapers. And my all time favorite source for diapers has turned out to be Amazon. Here's the beauty of the remainder of this post: I'm using diapers as an example but this post applies to many other products as well, not all, but most.

First things first, you need an Amazon account, preferably an Amazon Prime account. Amazon members with a Prime membership can receive free two day shipping on all prime eligible items, among other benefits. A typical Prime membership will cost you $79/year. You can sign up for a one month free trial here to see if Prime is even for you. Here's the really good news. If you're a mom/parent/guardian/g'parent or a student, you can enjoy Prime benefits at no cost. Sign up for Amazon Mom here and Amazon Student here. As you make purchases, you can extend your free membership up to one year. Another awesome Amazon Mom feature is that you automatically save 15% on almost everything.

You can read the rest of this article over at Trista's blog here!

1 comment:

AngelaK said...

I never knew about Amazon Prime!