7-Day FREE Trial For Jillian Michaels' Weight Loss Program!

Jillian Michaels has become a household name thanks to The Biggest Loser, and if you've watched the show, you KNOW that she knows how to get people to lose weight. Good news, you don't have to be on the show to get a personalized weight loss program designed just for you, by Jillian. If she can get a 350 pound person weighing less than me, imagine what her program could do for you!

Right now you can sign up for Jillian's personalized weight loss program for FREE for 7 days. By answering questions regarding your body type, foods you crave, weight loss goal, and more, you will get a completely customized program just for you.

The program works by following Jillian's "triple threat" approach to weight loss: Self, Science, and Sweat.

Self: Learn how to change your behaviors to reach your goals
  • Inspiration and advice from Jillian
  • Weight-Loss Buddies who share your goals
  • Message Boards for daily motivation
  • Calorie Calculator & Interactive Weight Tracker
  • Jillian's 7 Steps to Behavioral Modification
Science: Eat right for your metabolism
  • 100s of metabolism-boosting recipes
  • Meal Plans and Menus for your body type
  • Special food guides to help you eat right
  • Customized info on your metabolic rate 
Sweat: Train your body for serious weight loss
  • 151 printable exercises you can do from home
  • Cardio workouts that you enjoy
  • Complete Muscle Manual
  • Fitness Advice Videos 
Again, you can try the program for FREE for 7 days. You can cancel anytime during your free trial and you won't be charged. If you are happy with it, it only costs $4 a week to continue being a member. What have you got to lose, except weight?! Sign up today and try it out yourself!

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