4 Great Printable Quiznos Coupons & Free Chips & Queso From Chilis


To celebrate their 30th anniversary, Quiznos has put out 4 great coupons for you to print out! Here is what you can get:
  • Free sub
  • Free chips or cookie and drink
  • 2 meals for $9.99 (2 subs, 2 chips or cookie, and 2 drinks)
  • $1.00 and $2.00 off sub coupons
Some coupons do require the purchase of something to get the freebie. There is a limit to how many coupons can be printed out, so get yours now while you can! Click here for coupons.

And since you're here, don't forget that you can get a coupon for free chips and queso plus other exclusive deals from Chilis when you join their email club! Click the banner below to sign up!

Chili's Free Chips and Queso

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Great coupons, thanks!!!
