FREE Embellished Tank Tops from Old Navy!

Have you signed up for CrowdTap yet?! If you haven't, now is the perfect time to do so. Not only can you earn cash for you AND charity, you can score some free swag! Right now, Old Navy is giving Crowdtappers FREE clothes again! In the past they have given away jeans, dresses, shorts, and more. And now they are giving away free embellished tank tops! So, how can you get your tank? Easy!
  1. Sign up for Crowdtap.
  2. Answer some quick hits until you reach Level 3 so you can participate in campaigns. (Don't worry, you'll get there pretty quick).
  3. Apply for the tank top promotion.
If you are chosen, you will receive not one, but FOUR tank top coupons. One for you and three to give to your friends for a day of shopping.

Keep in mind, that not EVERYBODY will be able to apply for this promotion. They choose people based on demographics and quick hit responses. But they have awesome promotions every month and you're sure to be accepted soon enough...might as well be ready!

The tank top campaign has filled all its slots! But like I said, they come out with new opportunities quite often, so join today to you'll be Level 3 by the next time an opp comes around!


BNM said...

where do you sign up for that? I am already a member but don't know how to sign up for the old navy promo (i dont see it)

Kristen said...

Brittney, you have to be at least level 3, and have the demographics Old Navy is looking for. It should show up under "My Actions". If it's not there, i'm sorry. But don't be discouraged. There will be more promos like this in the future!

Steph said...

sounds fun.. I'm in! :) Thanks Kristen! :)

Amy said...

You might have mentioned that you have to be level 3. It's interesting and might be useful in the future, but I just spent 20 minutes trying to earn enough points or whatever they call them on this particular site only to find out I have no hope of getting there. Thanks for the tip for the future.

Mandi said...

Thanks so much for the intro to Crowdtap! I signed up and got to Level 2, I'll definitely be checking in daily to get up to Level 3 and hopefully pick up some campaigns. Very cool!
