Daily Brad's Deals Steals!

BradsDeals is THE place to go to find the web's best deals, coupons, and promo codes! Here are just a few great ones posted today!

Levi's: Up to 75% + 15% off, Free Shipping! For a limited time, Levis.com is taking up to 75% off as part of their Semi Annual Sale. Plus, code RM15OFFBROW gets you another 15% off! Better still, shipping is free on all orders.

8-Pc. Salad Set $11 Shipped: Adorable salad set discounted from $39.99 to $9.99 with $0.99 shipping when you use code BC99SHIPHP.

Noise-Isolating Ear Buds $7 Shipped: Regularly $14.99, dropped to $6.99 with free shipping.

FamousFootwear.com: Sale + BOGO 50% off.

4 pc. Comforter Set $15 Shipped: Regularly priced up to $129.99! Free shipping included.

1 comment:

Steph said...

man! i need a pair of jeans... but they only have juniors and skinny jeans on this deal. me in skinny jeans - the thought scars me! :0
but thanks for the heads up on some great deals!