Have a Product? Run a Deal on So Lo La' Deals!

Why partner with So Lo La' Deals?
  • So Lo La' Deals is launching as a daily deal site in June of 2012 to bring great businesses and consumers together. 
  • So Lo La' Deals is a company founded by female bloggers with a 95% female following. With access to over 300+ bloggers, the social reach of our company is over ONE MILLION consumers. Deals will be promoted through blogger affiliates which will bring targeted female consumers to your deal.
  • Even though So Lo La' Deals has not launched, it boasts over 3,700 Facebook fans who are ready to see what deals we have to offer.
  • YOU decide how much inventory you want to sell, and you can determine which deals you want to promote to ensure the most profit for your business.
  • We are very flexible and do our best to accommodate your wishes to ensure both of us have a beneficial partnership.
  • By offering a deal on our site, you are BRANDING your company with thousands of consumers across the United States and beyond.
  • Advertising is the most important way to grow your business, and by partnering with So Lo La' Deals you know that you are reaching your desired market.
Next steps:                                     
  • Please email me at kristen@sololadeals.com for more info, any questions, or to request the Merchant Application form.
  • If you need help filling out the form, you may call one of our associates. She will be happy help you out: 1-888-NS4-8340
  • We will guide you through the Merchant Application process, and discuss the features of your deal and the dates for running the deal.
  • Don't wait, reach your target market today!!