I Got a Birthday Gift from the Fairy Hobmother!

So it's my birthday. I started the day off like any other day, checking my email in the morning. I received tons of promotional emails from restaurants and stores with coupons and codes; those are great, but it's my birthday and I don't want to spend money to save money! Delete, delete, del...wait! Sender: The Fairy Hobmother. Could it be?!

I've heard of the Fairy Hobmother before. I don't know much, but I know he works for Fairy Overlords at Appliances Online and likes to sprinkle unsuspecting bloggers with Amazon gift cards.

He did request that I do something in return for my gift though...he asked that I let all my Blogging Buddies know that he might just pop over to your blog and send some joy and happiness your way! All you have to do is comment on this post so he knows where to find you. That's all I did, leave a comment on a fellow blogger's post. Of course I was hoping I'd get a visit as well, but wasn't betting on it. So you can't imagine my surprise that he did in fact find me, and on my birthday of all days... thanks Fairy Hobmother!


Mommy's Coupon Train said...

That's awesome! :) Congrats! My birthday is this month! :) Maybe I'll get lucky too!

Deals From MS Do said...

Happiest of Birthdays! This made a great day even better, didn't it?

I hope that I get this kind of surprise on my birthday!!

The kind fairy can visit me at DealsFromMsDo.com anytime, my birthday is almost a sad day - 9/11.

Heather said...

Too cool! I've never heard of the Fairy Hobmother... until now of course. Happy Birthday! I hope you spend you Amazon card on something YOU will enjoy!

Mama said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! What a great surprise, I would love one too! :)

Become A Coupon Queen said...

Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

How very cool! Happy Birthday! I've never heard of this fairy either, but I wouldn't mind a visit. ;)

SavvyC said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! How fun is that? I've never heard of the Fairy Hobmother before but that sounds really cool and super exciting to get an unexpecting visit on your Birthday with a gift :) Enjoy your gift card!!!

Unknown said...

That would be a nice birthday surprise. I hope you had a great birthday!

The Christmas Fairy said...

Happy Birthday!! Would love a visit from a fellow fairy, over at my blog The Christmas Fairy

Kathy said...

What a great birthday!

MS Do and I are teachers who had to retire early due to medical issues. We've learned how to survive on less and we now try to teach others to save money.

I'm MS Do's helper, I'm sure she'll let me know if you visit there, and will allow me to tell others about you!!

P.S. I can also be found on Cincysavers message board, passing on my knowledge there, I'm just known as KathyW instead of Coupon Kathy there!


Minta's Creations said...

Wow! I hope you had a Happy Birthday! what an awesome surprise to get a visit from the Fairy Hobmother. I would love a visit from the fellow fairy.
