Vitex2 Memory Foam Pillow Giveaway!

Every Mom needs one thing, and that is a GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP!! Thanks to Nature's Sleep for sponsoring this great giveaway, for one Vitex2 Memory Foam Pillow!

Check out Cute-Ecakes review HERE!

Win one for yourself in this easy giveaway! Simply complete the Rafflecopter form below for several chances to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


courtney said...

My princess needs the best sleep she's 10 months old n needs all slleep she can get to keep up with her siblings

jill24295 said...

I share a bed with 2 standard poodles and a husband. Anything that makes my night's sleep better is worth it's weight in gold!

esjmommy said...

All three of my kids take turn waking me up I would say me.

Diane Bielawa said...

I am getting veeeeeery sleepy!!

Anonymous said...

It depends on what's going on, but I have finals coming up so I need all the help I can get :)

Brianna said...

It depends on what's going on, but I have finals coming up so I need all the help I can get :)

neelz said...

My hubby has trouble sleeping every night. He snores a lot...i really need this for him

Portulaca61 said...

I am the one in my house that needs a good nights sleep! I have fibromyalgia, and I have chronic pain. So it is difficult for me to get comfortable. I would love to try this pillow to see if it could possibly help me!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!

Unknown said...

My husband has a herniated disc in his neck and needs this desperately. We just don't have the money to buy him one. It would truly be a blessing to him if I were to win this for him.

honeygirl586 said...

oh boy do i need sleep i get like 3 hrs at a time ...thats so bad but i just keep waking up ..this would be a life saver ..gle1

linder said...

Oh well, I don't have twitter, love my memory foam pillow.

Lisa Markson said...

I do I have back and neck probems

Jody @ The Laslink said...

With a 7 week old infant... definitely me! ;)

Erin said...

I have a 2 and a 3 year old and a 6 year old... I could use this the most

Tracey McCullough said...

Thanks for the chance, win or not! :)

Lindsey Gipson said...

Mama needs a good nights sleep.. lol.. I am a full time student, with at police officer for a husband.. an eleven month old and an eight year old... I have forgotten what good sleep is! :)

Tracey McCullough said...

I really need this pillow. The bed is uncomfortable with my ruptured disc and the pillow is uncomfortable for my painful neck triggering migraines. I'm up and down ALL night long EVERY single night. Something has to be comfortable enough for me to sleep through the night.

benz1171 said...

My hubby and me.

steffie said...

i do!! i have severe back issues!! i hurt really bad at night, so its hard to sleep. thanks for the chance to win this!! id love to have a whole bed made of memory foam!

2jetsmom said...

My Husband! He works seven days a week, 365 days a year, delivering the newspaper at 4:00 am every morning!!

Emily mosier said...


justnatalie said...

ME! I could use a good night's sleep... on a private island, just say'n ;) thanks for the opp!

pinktaz60 said...

Betsy Rubendall Barnes

My hubby needs a good night sleep in our house :)

evie said...

i need a good nite sleep with 3 little 4 legged girls, sleeping with me i need some sleep

Hartley25 said...

My husband would need this more than me.

Anonymous said...

I do! I let my husband sleep while I take care of the baby all night

Mary Shoemaker said...

meeeeee!!! TY 4 giveaway!!

Janet said...

I do! I watch 6 small children of the day by bed time its hard for me to sleep so a good pillow might just do the trick Thanks for the give away its awesome :)

Dianna said...

My sweet heart hubby needs a good night sleep--sooooo--badly he might sleep 1-2x a week to be awaken by the alamr clock--other nights he's up at 3-4 am trying to rest in his chair--he's disabled from the neck to waist from injuries while in the service.....Thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

I can't sleep I try anything

william saylor said...

I need a good nights sleep but suffering from insomia for several weeks. I need all the help i can get.

Anonymous said...

Alicia S.: I need the goodnight sleep in our house. Mom makes it all happen!

cbowlingtn said...

I do - I have chronic migraines.

nataliaellin said...

my hubby and i both need some well deserved sleep but as a mommy i get what i can!:)

Anonymous said...

Everyone in the house! lol

monicaandrew said...

me, me, me

Anonymous said...

I need a good night's sleep because I'm always sleeping on the couch instead of my bed!

Anonymous said...

I need a comfy pillow for my goodnight sleep! Thanks for this giveaway!

Heidi said...


Barbara Tryon said...

I need the sleep because I have neck problems, thanks for doing this giveaway

Kristi F. said...

My teenage son could use a new pillow to get a good night sleep.

Ronda Patrick said...

me, me and me!!!! : ) Momma's never get enough sleep!

dindagail said...

I would have too say that I need a good night of sleep. New baby in the house....sleep would be so nice on new comfy pillow's! Thanks 4 the chance!

Emilie C said...

my bf for sure

Gina N said...

I could definitely use a good night's sleep with a new pillow as my pillows are getting old and lumpy! :-)

Unknown said...

My girl sleeps with me every night, and I can't think of any better reason for her to need a great pillow and a good night's sleep! LOL

naomi said...

I would love to have this, I have neck problems from a car accident I was in years ago, so this would be great to have this pillow

Anonymous said...

I need a good night sleep. Between my husband that snores sometime and my five kids. I definatly need more sleep.

Biki said...

I always need a good night sleep. Stress and random things wake me up so I feel like I get only a portion of the hours I know I did sleep.

Bobbie said...

My fiance has a horrible time sleeping. im sure this would do the trick

sweepinmomma123 said...

I definitely need a good nights sleep. I suffer from osteogenesis and osteoperosis and it is very hard for me to get comfortable enough to sleep well.

TheeFlower said...

My husband. He works long hours and our cat loves to wake us up in the early hours. He doesn't sleep well at all usually :(

Evey30 said...

My husband has a hard time sleeping, so if I won this it would go right to him.

tracey berthiaume said...

me, i do not sleep well

tracey berthiaume

kym nicolosi said...

I am in serious need of a good nights sleep!!!!

amy linderman said...

me! my husband snores

Monika said...

Me lol! I might sleep a straight four hours but after that I wake up every hour on the hour til I I just cant take it any more.

maryo said...

i need a good nite's sleep have trouble finding the right pillows they all have problems

conni said...

Me, I can always use help getting a good nights sleep!