Coupon Insert & Stuffed Envelopes Giveaway! 4 Different Prizes!

I've teamed up with several other bloggers to bring you this Coupon Insert & Envelope Giveaway!

This giveaway starts 10/10 and ends 10/15 11:59pm EST

Please Fill out the Form to be entered!


jill24295 said...

Thanks for the giveaway, but I'm hoping that we're not geting carried away with the multi-blog contests. So many blogs have put these up in the last couple of days. I do follow several blogs, and I really enjoy entering individual contests. I realize that you all band together to help each other out, but when I see these large contests and know that my chances of winning are very small, it makes me not want to spend the large amount of time to complete every single entry for a very small chanceat winning. Some of them have 20,000+ entries. Really? If I subscribed to every blog on the list, it would take time away from the blogs I really do enjoy, because I'd constantly be filtering through emails and blog articles. I personally would like to see smaller giveaways on each blog that take less time to enter (and everyone's time is at a premium these days) and are more fun because the chances are better. A small prize to a loyal follower seems like it is more fun for everyone than a large prize to someone who just came by for an entry and will never participate in anything on the blog again.

Mary Kincaid said...

This is a great giveaway of coupongs. Thanks

Mary Kincaid said...

The giveaway would not let me follow "goodstewardsavers and Frugal mom rocks" on Twitter. It said there were no pages for them.

renee said...

Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway. We only got 3 inserts on 10/2 so these would be very much appreciated
Renee Gauthier Angichiodo

Kristen said...

Mary, I'm going to let the giveaway moderator know you had trouble. Thanks for letting us know!

Bobbies Page said...

Thanks for the giveaways

Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher said...

Thank you for this great giveaway, its very generous of you!
FB: Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher
Twitter: ShannonGallagh2

Juana said...

Thanks for the fab giveaway!


Unknown said...

Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

Lisa Burke Cook said...

Awesome giveaway..thanks!

sandy said...

love love love this site good luck all...