An awesome way to find AND promote giveaways!

I love giveaways, and recently I started hosting them myself. I can't believe I'm just now finding out about! This site updates hourly with new sweeps and giveaways, but what makes it different is that it actually SCANS blogs to see if there are any giveaway posts on them, and then adds it to their list. It doesn't scan EVERY blog, you first have to submit your blog, but after that, you don't have to worry about manually adding it to their database, it does it for you. Of course, you can submit it manually, since it will get added about 24 hours sooner than the scan, but it's good to know that if you're busy or if you forget, it will still get listed.

There are several ways that GiveawayScout promotes your giveaways. They send out a newsletter, on their website, Twitter, Facebook...they even have a widget you can add to your site. That's a lot of exposure! It also scans blog for free samples, coupons, rebates, and sales. Each category has its own tab so you can easily find what you're looking for. If you're looking for giveaways to enter, those are also categorized by prize. The really great thing is that on the site, you can see how many comments/entries each giveaway has without going to the actual blog to see how many entries there are! This can quickly tell you what your odds of winning are.

Like I said, I can't believe I didn't know about this site until now. I discovered it from seeing a widget on another blog's sidebar. Whether you enter giveaway, or host them, this site is wonderful for everyone!

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